Cade Cannedy

Director of Programs,
Climate Resilient Communities

Cade Cannedy (he/him) is the Director of Programs at Climate Resilient Communities. Before joining CRC in 2021, he worked as a Research and Communications Fellow at the California Environmental Justice Alliance. Cade graduated from Stanford University with a MA in Communication and a BA in Political Science, focusing throughout his education on air quality and environmental justice.

He worked with the Bill Lane Center for the American West to understand the disproportionate pollution burden faced by underserved communities in the Central Valley. He also collaborated with Stanford Medical School to study the effectiveness of home air purification and ways the equipment could be deployed to help those with the greatest need. Cade grew up in the unincorporated community of El Prado in Northern New Mexico. From a young age, he saw the communities around him collaborate to share water and struggle for environmental justice against a Chevron-owned mine. He believes in pairing collaborative, community-driven solutions to the climate crisis with advocacy for the large structural changes required to solve the roots of the climate crisis.