Equitable Electrification: Bridging the Gap in Home and Outdoor Air Quality

2:45pm - Cypress Room

Electrification of transportation and home appliances is central to reducing carbon emissions and improving indoor and outdoor air quality, yet the benefits of electrification remain unevenly distributed  across San Mateo County communities, with wealthier homeowners able to better access technologies that produce healthier homes and neighborhoods.  In this Advocacy and Action Workshop, Dr. Amod ​Pokhrel (Lecturer, Berkeley Public Health) and Cade Cannedy (Director of Programs, Climate Resilient Communities) will discuss the health and social disparities exacerbated by uneven adoption of electrification. Promotora Martha Agustin will discuss her personal experiences with poor air quality, and how networks of promotoras are helping to educate community members on the health impacts of poor air. Kirsten Andrews-Schwind (Associate Director of Community Relations and Climate Equity, Peninsula Clean Energy) and Alero Moju (Energy Specialist, County of San Mateo Sustainability Department) will provide an overview of existing electrification programs in San Mateo County, emphasizing their successes and identifying gaps that need addressing. We will conclude the session with a discussion on  policy and program solutions that can promote equitable access to cleaner air and healthier homes for all residents.